Thursday, April 8, 2021

Blog post #5 -

 1.) In your opinion, why is personal growth and wellness a key characteristic to good leadership?

Personal growth and wellness are key parts of being a good leader. If you aren’t allowing time for yourself (wellness), you’re literally digging yourself into the ground. Sometimes you need to allow yourself time to breathe and relax and do something for *you* instead of other people. This time is also usually when reflection happens. It’s important to reflect as a leader to see if you are actually happy with what you are doing and if you think you’re doing the right thing with you group (are your actions aligning with your values?). Personal growth is important because it allows you to learn and grow with your group and it’s values. 

2.) What is your biggest hindrance to taking time for personal growth? 

I always feel incredibly busy between school and work that I give myself no time for personal wellness or personal growth. I also just feel the need to please others before I please myself, which is a way I have always felt for as long as I can remember. To change this, I think I need to incorporate more ‘me-time’ into my schedule and keep it a solid time slot where *nothing* can interrupt it (which it’s solely up to me to keep this going - I know it’ll be hard but it doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea). 


3.) Ancient wisdom. An old proverb says: "If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, the worker must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success." The lumberjack story was inspired by this proverb. We all understand the importance of "sharpening the axe." Why do you think we fail to do it? Why does it seem like a waste of time?

I think we fail to ‘sharpen the axe’ because we feel like we constantly have to love everybody before ourselves. It seems like a waste of time because I think people feel like we don’t deserve it, we haven’t finished other tasks, or that we’re just gonna feel that way again so why fix it now?


4.) Why is it we often feel guilty when we stop to take care of ourselves?

I think this is because we feel like we are being selfish. Personally, this is exactly how I feel. It feels selfish of me to take time to myself when I could actually be doing something to improve my math grade or be doing something that others can benefit from, like volunteer work. 

5.) Staying "sharp" can mean lots of things. How do you do it? How do you feed and refresh yourself?

In order for me to completely feel refreshed I need to be on my own for a day or two. It’s hard to do this when you have a roommate. When I do get the chance to be alone, I take full advantage of it. I like to sleep, watch the shows that I like, and treat myself to a facemask. I know I’m refreshed when I feel excited to socialize and be around other people, or when I feel so confident that I don’t mind changing from my pajamas to do something. 


Blog post #5 -

  1.) In your opinion, why is personal growth and wellness a key characteristic to good leadership? Personal growth and wellness are key par...