Friday, February 26, 2021


 1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely?

I feel like I don’t use my time as wisely as I could all the time. Of course, I take time to do homework and to study, but sometimes I think I could be doing these things for a little longer than I do. It’s usually my phone or my friends that get in the way. 

2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities?

There was talk about a club being created at my high school and it was an open idea from a teacher who would sponsor the club, however, they just needed student leaders. I was a super big procrastinator then (I still am now, just not as bad) and let myself put it off without thinking about what would happen if I didn’t jump on it. I ended up missing the opportunity and regretted procrastinating. 

This made me feel really frustrated with myself because I felt like I let myself down. I do regret missing this opportunity because I realized after the fact how much closer I would have felt to the actual community at my school and how much the experience would have positively impacted me. If I were put in a similar situation, I would probably jump on the offer after making sure it’s something I could genuinely spend my time on. 

3.) Why do you think so many of us simply waste so much of our time? Why don't we value it?

I think so many people waste so much of their time because they might not genuinely enjoy what they are doing or they lack the motivation to finish the task at hand (you could enjoy something, but not have the motivation to complete it). Sometimes we let it slip from our mind how little time we have and how easy it is for someone else to make that time shorter.

4.) List the ways you seize opportunities and make the most of your time each day? Also, incorporate how you hold yourself accountable. What are your accountability measures?

I don’t like to stay inside a lot because my mindset is that new things await outside or somewhere new. Even though I like to sleep in occasionally, I do like to wake up at a decent time and “seize the day”. I learned very quickly that if an opportunity arises and I show interest in that opportunity, I should at least try to take advantage of it even if it doesn’t work out in the end. This goes along with accountability because if I have already committed to something, I don’t necessarily want to leave that commitment behind. I think it helps you learn from your mistakes and successes if you hold yourself accountable. Once I commit to something, I give my all to make sure I can finish it, and if I can’t finish it, I at least do as much as I can to finish it. 

5.) Can you quickly name your top priorities? What are they at work, at school, and at home?

My priorities are keeping good grades and staying close to my family and friends. I also like to prioritize time to myself to make sure I am able to be there for my family and friends as the best Tara Ann I can be.


  1. I like how you acknowledged how much our phones and our friends take out of our time. Although these are good things, we easily lose track of time if it's spent with friends either in person or communicating through our phones. I also like how you mention that motivation drives if we spend our time wisely. I agree with this and I can definitely see how this influences our use of time. How do you make the most of every day by getting up at a decent time?

  2. I think it's very interesting that you brought up self doubt. I hadn't even thought about that aspect of things. It's very easy to turn down opportunities due to insecurities within ones self. And I love the honesty about how you handle time, I also am not the poster child for time management :) but through these blogs I think if I take some advice and ideas from you guys I just might get better!

  3. I like that you brought up how you like to "seize the day." I admire that a lot, as I find myself personally struggling with being able to do that each day. Have you found yourself having days where you're not able to seize the day and ended up regretting it or maybe even being grateful for that day?


Blog post #5 -

  1.) In your opinion, why is personal growth and wellness a key characteristic to good leadership? Personal growth and wellness are key par...